You are here, Then you are lucky from the others who not reaching or didn’t get this Note taking iPhone app for use in business management. If you are responsible management leader, Company owner, then you really want freedom from types job Burden, Meeting schedules that’s you never do alone. But yes, now that’s possible with this functional business app by Beesy. This app note down all the points/ Activity/ Goal that’s you never miss or do on time in anyhow. So you can do, let’s see how it possible in detailed.
I’m sure you found hundred of note taking iPhone app but also confident about you never seen like this app.
This app is also called as To do List app, Task Management or Project Management iOS app, That’s available for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.
Reviewed: Top best note taking iPhone app, Smart Business App: iOS 9
Use Everywhere, Every time: Now Beesy available for all the mobile, Desktop and Smart watch Platform. From single login ID and Password you can manage your activity, Watch Others activity under you, Progress report and more.
Quickly take notes on meeting: That’s possible with smart pan, first take notes on digital paper just like simple note paper, Move all the text to your device note by tap on Record button. See below video tutorial,
Get App Here ($5.99) For iPad
Also add To-Do list, Drawing, Comment, Task and Topic in note.
Set reminder on your iPhone, iPad calendar from notes. Also add text that’s assign for task. Also send notes to all contacts or selected contact added within apps.
After that track all the actions and events, All Upcoming Events and Task will be show in iOS notification center.
Add new project or Goal. Also set priority (1 to 5) based of time duration and important.
Follow up missed work, Job and Project on time. And continuously follow up progress on work made by team.
Share business ideas and suggestion to your team securely.
Really awesome Note taking iPhone app for business enthusiast and professional leader, can do actually they want and other wants under him/ her.