Here you will get what to do in official way, if your iPhone contracted on Verizon wireless USA. Unlocking rules and SIM free iPhone process is too easy and straight forward compare to other Carrier companies, if you are with Verizon, wants to switch on another carrier or data/ Calling plans, Then you can do for Unlock Verizon iPhone 5/ 5S, iPhone 6/ 6S, iPhone 6 Plus/ 6S Plus.
Here I talk about pre declared policy from Verizon customer who using locked iPhone from Verizon.
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Steps for Unlock Verizon iPhone USA: Beginners guide
Both Postpay and Prepaid iPhone users do not lock 4G LTE devices, and no code is needed to program them for use with another device stated officially by Verizon.
For Verizon Postpay Users:
Verizon do not lock most locked phones and tablets activated with Postpay service. On activate service or after expire service from Verizon. Verizon not lock 4G LTE devices or use them with another program.
Simple code is “000000” or “123456” use another carrier. More help from Verizon, You can contact on *611 from your device or call on (888)294-6804 for one to one solution.
For Verizon Prepaid Users:
Above to rules also applicable in Verizon prepaid iPhone users, But 3G prepaid in the box restricted from use prepaid service for six months after activation. For Verizon locked iPhone After 12 months, contact them on *611 from your wireless prepaid iPhone or call on (888)294-6804. Company will give you programming code for unlock iPhone officially.
Through above process, you will eligible to use and go with any carrier from Verizon.
Time to go Verizon warless unlocking service would be upgraded that will make easier. Above guide is legal ways to unlock Verizon iPhone from any model. Also for Other carriers, rules might be changed, Touch with use and share your unlocking question with us through contact us desk.