WhatsApp has been the leading messenger service with a dozen improvements and new features. Previously, WhatsApp was just a messenger limited to chatting via text, but now it has Video Call, Group Video Call, Voice Call, Dark Mode, and more functions, which makes it one of the best messenger for iPhone and Android. Nowadays we don’t need any third-party application to make video calls or no need to exit WhatsApp to call someone.
With all such constant updates, I’ve encountered WhatsApp video calling not working on iPhone and Android phones, with no reason. So, if you are the one with WhatsApp Video Calling Issues on Android or iOS, I’ll be happy to assist you and ensure WhatsApp works correctly.
Fix WhatsApp Video Calling Not Working on iOS and Android
Solution 1: Check Network Connection
If your WhatsApp Video Calling disconnects randomly or your WhatsApp Video Calls poor quality, you must go and hit the network connection, whether it’s Cellular Data or Wi-Fi. You can switch the Cellular Data to Wi-Fi or vice versa and refresh the internet, while there’s one more way, enable Airplane Mode and disable Airplane Mode to make sure the internet works correctly and you can continue WhatsApp video calling.
Cellular Data, Wi-Fi and Airplane buttons are available in the Control Center for quick access.
If simple enabling or disabling the Wi-Fi doesn’t work, then forget the Wi-Fi and reconnect it.
- On your iPhone, head over to the Settings app > Wi-Fi > tap on (i) next to the Wi-Fi network and lastly tap Forget This Network.
- On your Android, open Settings app > Wi-Fi > tap on the Wi-Fi network and Forget it.
Solution 2: Force Close WhatsApp and Reboot iPhone/Android
Till now you have concluded that the issue is not with the internet connection. So now we will target the WhatsApp and fix the WhatsApp Video Calling not working on Android and iPhone. For the starter, you can force close the WhatsApp and all the background applications running on your phone. Doing this will free up the processor and smoothen up the applications.
Thereafter, you can force restart the iPhone and Android phones.
To Force Restart iOS,
- For iPhone 8 or later, press and quickly release the Volume Up button, press and quickly release the Volume Down button and then press and hold the Power button until the Apple logo displays on the screen.
- For iPhone 7/7Plus, press and hold the Volume Down button and Side button and release when Apple logo appears on the screen.
- For iPhone 6S/6S Plus, press and hold the Home button and Sleep/Wake button until Apple logo displays on the screen.
To Restart Android,
- Firmly press and hold the Lock/Unlock button and choose Power Off when the power menu appears.
Solution 3: Update WhatsApp
To continue using the apps without issues and enjoy the latest features, you would need to update the WhatsApp. An update always brings bug fixes and improvements to deliver the best service to you. While outdated apps result in several unknown problems or start malfunctioning.
For iPhone,
- Open the App Store on your iPhone.
- Tap on your Profile.
- Scroll down and Update WhatsApp.
- Or if you are on iOS 13, then press and hold the WhatsApp icon and select Update.
- iOS 12 or earlier iPhone can update the WhatsApp from the Updates Tab located in the App Store.
For Android, open the Google Play and Update WhatsApp.
Solution 4: Remove and Install WhatsApp
Well, this troubleshooting is quite hard to accept, but if you really want to get rid of WhatsApp Video Calling issues, I’d highly recommend you to delete the WhatsApp for once and reinstall it.
You may have a question that what will happen if I delete WhatsApp? All of your Chats will be removed with the app, that’s why backup the WhatsApp and then delete it. Later you can restore the backup and continue with the old chats.
How to Backup WhatsApp Chats & Media on the iPhone?
Before you do anything else, make sure iCloud is enabled for WhatsApp to ensure backup in the iCloud Storage.
- Open the Settings app and tap on your name.
- Tap on iCloud.
- Scroll down to the WhatsApp and turn it on.
Now that you’ve turned on iCloud, here’s how to backup WhatsApp Chats and Media to iCloud on iPhone.
- Open the WhatsApp on your iPhone.
- Tap on Settings.
- Select Chats option.
- Tap Back Up Now.
How to Backup WhatsApp Chats & Media on Android?
- Go to the WhatsApp.
- Tap on three-vertical dots for more options.
- Tap Settings.
- Tap Chats and select Chat backup.
To delete the WhatsApp from the iPhone, press and hold the WhatsApp icon until the (x) appears and tap on (x) to delete it.
Likewise, delete the WhatsApp from the Android phone.
Solution 5: Update iPhone and Android Firmware
Now the only option left for you is to update the iPhone and Android and see if WhatsApp Video Calling is working or not.
- To Update iPhone, open the Settings app and tap on General. Select Software Update.
- To Update Android, go to the Settings app > About device > Software Update. And then download the update if available.
Solution 6: Contact WhatsApp
WhatsApp does listen to your issues, if the steps are being followed and complain is described perfectly. After filing the complaint to WhatsApp Support, wait for the bug fix.
- Go to the WhatsApp and tap on Settings. Android users, have to tap on three-dots and then select Settings.
- Tap on Help and select Contact us.
- Describe your issue precisely and if possible upload the screenshot to give them the idea, what are you dealing with.