Top 7 Best Personal Finance Apps in USA 2025

There are numerous apps available on the Apple App Store that can make your iOS devices smarter, either for business or personal use. When it comes to personal life, the head of the household is usually responsible for earning and managing money until the next salary. In today’s fast-paced life, it’s easy to forget the dollars in your tally, which can lead to unclear results of your calculations. Are you looking for an easy-to-use digital tool that can help you with your accounting and save your transaction history on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod? Look no further than Wally, the best iPhone personal finance app that simplifies calculations and keeps track of your spending.

Top Best iPhone Personal Finance Apps

1). Mint: Personal Finance & MoneyMint Personal Finance

Even though, if we are going to update the personal finance apps list, Mint will stay at the top, as it is one of the most used and enhanced budget apps for iPhone. You may have used the bank apps to manage the monthly expenses, however, they are limited to few categories, while Mint Personal Finance app is way better than banking apps, since it includes a variety of sections in which we used to spend money, but can’t keep track of it.

The app will send an alert when your spending increases, categorize the spent money and gives you an overview where the money goes all the way.

Download Mint From App Store

2). YNAB (You Need A Budget)YNAB Budget App for iPhone

The App itself tells you You Need A Budget. YNAB splits the paycheck cycle and helps you get out of debt, if you’d ask me, after using YNAB perfectly, you’ll save money real quick. Connect and access all of your bank accounts in one place to track your real-time financial condition and decide whether to spend money or save it for the future. Do you know what’s the best part of using YNAB? Not a single dollar will go to waste if you genuinely start saving and keep tracking of expenses using the app.

The income and expense will both be kept in one hand, which makes it easy for us to find the area of weakness and control it to save it for the future.

Download YNAB From App Store

3). Revolut – Radically BetterRevolut Finance App for iPadRevolut Finance App for iPad

The Revolut app has got pretty unusual features that allow you to send or receive money from any corner of the world, selling or buying currencies, tracks the expenses how much did you spend on groceries, transport, restaurant, etc. Split the bills with your friends like partying or restaurant bills and add it to your app, it’ll cover up and calculate, withdraw limit of $300 per month from any international ATM.

Besides, you can request as well as send money to your friends or family to pay up the debts or in case you need it. It’s a secure payment service that could help you transfer money across the world.

Download Revolut From App Store

4). Goodbudget Budget PlannerGoodbudget Personal Finance App for iOS

Goodbudget Budget Planner is mainly targeted at couples who face difficulties in managing their budget, or even it can be used across your family if you have kids. Sign up once and sync the budget on multiple platforms like on its official website, Android phone, or alternate iDevice. In the end, if you feel like checking where the money goes, then export the CSV file and download transactions, but it can be done only from the website.

Divide envelopes, check envelopes balance, and schedule transactions like bill payments. The app is free of ads and allows you to use 10 regular envelopes along with 10 annual envelopes.

Download GoodBudget From App Store

5). Truebill Budget & Bill TrackerTruebill Finance App for iPhone and iPad

The benefit of downloading the Truebill Budget app is you don’t need to open the app individually; just open the Truebill Budget app and cancel or stop auto-renewal that you no longer need in just one tap. Besides, if you detect any random charge or app purchase in your account, request refunds right from the app. Monitor your bill payments, increase in price, and gives you a perfect idea on how to reduce or control expenses.

Don’t worry about security, as it uses bank-level SSL 256-bit encryption to ensure your transactions and data stays safe in the app.

Download TrueBill From App Store

6). Spending TrackerSpending Tracker

Spending Tracker’s easy-to-use interface will attract your eyes and once you download it. It is divided into different tabs such as Spending, Transactions, Categories, Settings, etc to find the record of expenses and incoming money. Plus, track the past expenses, you can backtrack and compare the expenses to date.

Sort by date, amount, or name for quick access, repeat transactions yearly, weekly, or daily, and export CSV to make an expense sheet for the record.

Download Spending Tracker From App Store

7). Monefy – Money ManagerMonefy Money Managing App

Now the time has gone to write expenses using paper-pen because it’s really tough to manage daily expenses all the time. To make sure you won’t end up in chaos, download the Monefy app to manage the expenses and find tricky ways to save money as more as possible.

It isn’t tough to note down the expenses using this app, simply add new transactions and write down how much you’ve spent within no time. It features multi-currency support, Passcode protection, use a built-in calculator, and more in a single app.

Download Monefy From App Store

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Karly Wood

Karly Wood is a journalist based in Ohio who specializes in covering Apple and technology trends. With a varied experience in reporting on public safety, government, and education, her insights bridge multiple disciplines, providing readers with a well-rounded perspective on today's technological advancements. If you need to contact me, you can reach me at [email protected] or through (Facebook)

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