Chrome vs Safari on Mac in 2025: Which is Best Browser for Mac?

While looking for web browsers, Google Chrome and Safari strike first in mind, and of course, due to their advanced features and easy-to-use interface, they are the most downloaded and used browsers to date. Apple’s Safari can’t be downloaded and used on any laptop or PC other than Apple. However, there are no restrictions with Chrome; you can use Chrome even on a MacBook or Mac. Day by day, Chrome and Safari are getting better and safer in terms of privacy and security.

We’ve prepared this article comparing the features of both browsers, along with their positive and negative attributes. Let’s see and decide which is the best browser for you.

A Detailed Comparison on Which is Best Browser for Mac, MacBook? Chrome v/s Safari

1. Chrome VS Safari Battery Life MacBook Pro/Air [M1]

When it comes to battery life, we’ll take the Processor as an example. Usually, Chromes takes up almost 40%-50% of system memory, while Safari consumes 20%-25% of the processor. However, it may vary depending on the number of tabs you’ve opened currently. More processors will take up more battery. Therefore, if you’re a MacOS user, then stay with Safari.

  • Recently, M1 Silicon Mac users have posted a problem with us; Background Safari Tabs is refreshing itself, So it consumes more power. In place, Chrome performs better. So you have to keep your eye on the Battery while using a different browser on Mac. Also, keep your Browser and macOS updated.

2. Which is Better, Chrome or Safari

If we are talking about Browser for Mac, then definitely I’d recommend you to continue using the Safari Browser. Safari is Apple’s own browser with tons of features, mostly dedicated to user privacy and security. However in earlier days, Safari was not as powerful as compared to right now. While staying in Apple’s ecosystem is beneficial rather than using Chrome Browser on Mac and Safari on iPhone, in such cases, you can’t sync the Safari browser across and access the passwords, bookmarks, and other data. However, if you prefer to use Google Chrome on your mobile and Mac, then you’re good to go.

  • Safari is the Best Out of the Box if If you don’t want to use Browser Extensions.
  • Seldom, Safari Behaves buggy while playing Videos on YouTube or Netflix and many other Websites [Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest].

3. Is Google Chrome Safe for Mac?

Well, it’s pretty hard to answer this question, but if you’re really concerned about privacy and security, Safari is an ideal choice. However, you may have already heard that Google Chrome collects your information and tracks it, which might not be acceptable to you. So, if you have an Apple Mac, then use Safari instead of Chrome.

4. Is Safari More Secure than Chrome?

Yes, of course, Safari is the most secure browser with advanced features; there is no doubt about that. Over time, Safari has been improved to the next level, mostly when it comes to privacy and security. You can use Safari without worrying about data breaches.

  • Google has a business that analyses the user’s intersection on the browser at different levels, That’s Under User Privacy control. But still, Apple has no user Data mining business.
  • If you want total control over Privacy, then use Safari.

5. User Interface: Chrome V/s Safari

Safari brought significant improvements with macOS Big Sur or later versions, like personalizing the background wallpaper on the homepage. Adding favorites, privacy reports, Siri suggestions, and many more things. Besides, on hovering the cursor on the tabs, you’ll get a preview of the page.

While there are no substantial changes, I’ve seen in the Chrome app. Therefore, in terms of features and interface, Safari tops the list.

  • Users Who Switched from Windows, Then Chrome is an option on Mac. Without Conflicting browser usage history.

6. Support for Extensions

Google Chrome has a huge library of different extensions, while Safari doesn’t have as much collection as Chrome. Extensions are made to ease your work, it can do a lot more things you can’t imagine. To download the Extensions on Chrome, open the Chrome Web Store, and in Safari, Click on Safari > Safari Extensions.

  • Note: Outdated Extension on Mac does not perform well, So Keep up-to-date all the Mac Browser extensions in a timely.

7. Does Google Chrome Slow Down Mac?

Yes, sometimes, due to excessive load, Chrome could slow down the MacBook Pro or Mac. Otherwise, in terms of speed and performance, Chrome is now even better and more reliable than earlier. And are you experiencing Slow Safari, Here are a few tricks to boost speed.

  • Google Chrome can improve the Chrome browser performance by cleaning large Browsing Data, Cache, Cookies, and Unused Third-Party Extensions.
  • If you feel Google Chrome is slow, some of the time, then Use Private mode. Open Chrome > File > New Incognito mode.

Conclusion [Final Thoughts]

According to my Opinion, Very few reasons were finalized after comparing both the Browser functionality for Mac. For Security and Privacy concerns, you can use any of them, Also check out most privacy Browsers for Mac. For Speed, I recommend going with Safari, and For the Third-Party Extension, I recommend using Google Chrome. Keep both the Browser installed on your Mac and start using it, If you feel something missing or uncomfortable because of Mac Speed Browsing Speed, the Website won’t load issues or Choppy Scrolling.

Also, Don’t miss sharing your opinion as well, in the comment box.

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Karly Wood

Karly Wood is a journalist based in Ohio who specializes in covering Apple and technology trends. With a varied experience in reporting on public safety, government, and education, her insights bridge multiple disciplines, providing readers with a well-rounded perspective on today's technological advancements. If you need to contact me, you can reach me at [email protected] or through (Facebook)

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