Apple’s Voicemail app service is excellent and all-time useful for iOS users. Mainly, who left the incoming call and received an audio clip message. Unfortunately, primary to medium scale cellular carriers providing Voicemail service depending on the country. Whether you got a call on your Apple iPhone and in case, you left that call, and then you got that in the form of a voicemail message into the inbox. Then, you can play that note and listen, too. Particular message by tapping on play button/ icon.
Unluckily, some of the users facing issues with relevant iPhones show Voicemail but can’t be playing. Do you have your own iPhone? Realizing the same (iPhone Voicemail Won’t Play after updating iOS) problem. Don’t worry. There are potential factors responsible for your recent Voicemail issue. Even though, its solution is also possible. You will have to apply in the correct manner and steps wisely. And, get pleasure.
Sometimes iPhone Speaker problems can be producing this type of issue, hence, before trying our given workarounds, you should check by playing a song on music apps, also, open up voice recorder app and play any previous recorded audio clip. And, make sure it plays correctly. All other Apple and none-Apple Apps are performing well. And you got a glitch sign into the Voicemail play button grayed out, then don’t hesitate and follow our explained each solution stepwise until you resolved your issue unable to play Voicemail on iPhone after iOS 15 update.
Seven Advice to get rid on iPhone Voicemail Won’t Play on latest iOS
This Solution is dedicated to all our readers who have Voicemail service supported iPhone running the latest iOS including iPhone XS Max, iPhone XS, iPhone XR, X, iPhone 8(Plus), iPhone 7 (Plus), iPhone 6S (Plus), iPhone 6 (Plus), iPhone SE/ 5S/ 5C/ 4S.
Fix #1. Restart your iPhone – (Get below how to)
Here’s how to restart iPhone XS Max, XS, XR, X, and iPhone 8 Plus Model
Below listed is a tip for restart iPhone 7 Plus and earlier models.
Here is a quick, easy way to Restart Apple iPhone – Simple, take your iPhone in your hand, then Press and Hold on the Power button (Sleep/wake button) until you the red slider appears. Let’s drag the slider to turn your iPhone completely off. After your iPhone is in turn-off mode.
Then, Press and Hold on the Sleep/Wake button again until you see the black color Apple Logo on the screen.
That’s it.
Fix #2. Check for Carrier Settings update – [Get more]
Network cellular providers give popup to update carrier settings and to improve mobile network connectivity performance. But, you also can manually install, if an update is available. A prompt will appear.
Launch Settings App from your iPhone home screen → General → tap about and tap on Carrier. If you get any updates there, please do the upgrade.
Fix #3. Check your iPhone Voice mailbox set up Correctly
The simple trick is to verify the voicemail box configuration correct or not. Let’s know here how to, Open up the Phone app, then dial your phone number from your own iPhone dialer and then follow the prompt to verify if your voice mailbox is configured correctly.
Fix #4. Strong signal cellular network connection
Sometimes Voicemail cannot play/ listen as you expected because might you are in the wrong or non-existence mobile network place. To confirm the network strength, make an outgoing call to anyone to verify the connection is right and has a single stable tower.
Fix #5. Reset your Network Settings
Steps to Reset Network Settings in iOS 15 and later Version
Step #1: Open up “Settings”.
Step #2: Open “General” and then tap “Transfer or Reset iPhone”.
Step #3: Lastly, tap “Reset” > “Reset Network Settings”

> Enter your iPhone Lock passcode and Try after Reboot once. This Process won’t erase other important settings, Media, Messages, and more.
Apple iPhone Reset network settings might be helpful to move Voicemail can’t playing error/ Voicemail play button grayed out.
Fix #6. Reset your Voicemail password
If you already tried the above five workarounds to repair iPhone Voicemail Won’t Play. Nevertheless, none of the clues worked in your case. Please reset your iPhone Voicemail password. [Know more here]
I regular time, you don’t need a voicemail password whenever you open up the Voicemail app on your iPhone. Even though, sometimes you may be asked for your voicemail password for the security purpose of your account. In this case, might you can’t listen to voicemail, you forgot your voicemail password. So, you should contact your iPhone wireless carrier provider to reset your Voicemail password.
Fix #7. Contact your carrier –
here given Carriers list is for the United States and Canadian iOS users
For the USA carriers – Alaska GCI, Straight Talk, Appalachian wireless, Illinois Valley Cellular, Strata, Bluegrass Cellular, Truphone, Boost Mobile, C Spire, Cricket, US Cellular, At&t, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile, Sprint, Vodafone USA.
For the Canada Carriers – Bell, MTS, Telus, Eastlink, Rogers, Videotron, Fido, SaskTel, Virgin mobile, Komodo, TbayTel.
Alternatively – move your Voicemails on other iOS devices or Mac OS to playing and to listening without going to trip at your carrier provider store.
Do you know about iPhone Voicemail Transcript?
What is the way worked in your case to fix Apple iPhone Voicemail Won’t Play? I Hope, you would like the above troubleshoot helpfully.
Please don’t forget to share with your friends and buddies. Also, share your feedback in the comments.