You have seen hundred’s of branded smart watch on Amazon deals, But in earlier 2015 (April 2015) you can enjoy Apple’s official Apple Watch. On Big concept you can do anything that you can’t do in iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, Mac or MacBook on critical condition. Now apple gone for use when you drive card through Apple Watch. North America’s best safety car Tesla making own app for apple Watch to driver car in control. Large features on Apple Watch, Price comparatively affordable for all who want buy when it will publically launch in April 2015. What you aspect and apple giving features on Apple watch see here full Apple Watch story.
As an app for Apple Watch Tesla and Todoist handshake for app run on watch
Currently Tesla is making app through ElEKS app Development Company. With this app you can see the live temperature
- Battery level and range
- Turn headlines
- Car lock and unlock remotely
- Manage Air Conditional
- You will also control Horn and Sunroof
On the debate on Elks product manager notified This types of fully functional app shall possible but for the Current SDK version Tesla app development feel very difficult.
Here is some very beautiful app for apple watch,
Todoist app for Apple Watch, Full feature will be complete soon by TechCrunch, from this Apple watch app we can scheduling task inside the today views. Control over comments by replying, See label and Voice settings available very easily through this todoist Apple watch app.
Are you developer and want to make some very useful apple watch app, then don’t wait because developers starting Designing and developing apps right now.
Might be, these will top app most use on Apple Watch
FaceBook: Get feed notification, Watch live updates and Post, Comment in easy way
Twitter: Post tweet and re-tweet by 140 characters and see end user profile and follow to get daily feed and notification to you.
City Mapper: GPS tracking app updates to you every time when you are on new location or near to peck stand.
Don’t miss: Measure distance between Apple Watch Vs Android Wear (Watch) – USA, UK, Australia.
Tesla and Todoist App for Apple Watch and now millions of app will be ready to use on upcoming 1st generation apple Watch – April 2015. Now this is your turn to share how you feel on apple watch when it will launch publically.