Tech giant Apple launched the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13, Pro Max, for 2021-21. The iPhone 13 and 13 Mini models are available in Starlight, Midnight, Blue, Pink, and Product Red. Comparatively, Apple launched the iPhone 13 Pro and 13 Pro max in Silver, Graphite, Gold, and Sierra Blue colors. Out of them, the Sierra Blue model has been a hot favorite among users.
Apple also replaced the Pacific Blue from the iPhone 12 Pro series with Sierra Blue from the iPhone 13 series. This model is much lighter, and the color seems to be pleasing to the eye. Apart from the new kid in the block, the Graphite has always been iconic, and it is a timeless beauty. This color gives that traditional elegant touch to the phone.
Another most admired color is Silver. It is a popular choice and also has been an of-the-line iPhone 13 pro series. Its popularity is primarily as the color complements anything, and it stands out amongst the crowd. Wrapping it in an unusual case will make it even more attractive.
which color iPhone 13 color or iPhone 13 Mini color should you buy?
The Golden color is another elegant color to go for. The Gold finish of this year’s model is similar to that of last year. However, it’s a true winner because of its sophistication.
Also Read, What Color iPhone 13 Pro or 13 Pro Max is most popular?
Each of the iPhone 13 pro’s colors is similar on the inside, yet choosing the perfect color for Apple iPhone 13 is an essential part of the buying process for the customer. The Graphite iPhone 13 pro is one of the most favored choices for most people. Like former models’ Black and Space Gray iPhones, the Graphite iPhone 13 Pro stands as smooth and iconic. But if one is looking for some change and something new, they should go for the Sierra Blue iPhone 13 Pro.
It is almost the same sark as the graphite version, and subsequently, it stands out as a head-turning model of the year. If the color isn’t essential for the buyer or dislike the Sierra Blue color of the new iPhone 13 pro, they can think about the Silver iPhone Pro or Gold iPhone Pro model. These two colors are gorgeous and appropriate for close-up clicks.