Unlike other forms of communication, live Voicemail hasn’t much changes since its inception. Sometimes the live Voicemail not working in iOS 17 can leave you confused. So if you are concerned about the issue on your phone, this troubleshooting guide is for you.
There can be several reasons why live voicemail stops working on iPhone, ranging from misconfigured network settings to serious network issues. Thus, we’ve compiled a list of all possible solutions that should help you and fix for good reasons. So, without any ado, let’s get started.
Solutions fix Live Voicemail not working on iOS 17 on iPhone
Here are 20 ways to fix live Voicemail not working on iPhone running latest iOS.
Solution#1. Ensure Live Voicemail is available in your region & Carrier
Keep a note that “Live Voicemail” is currently available only in some regions and supported by limited cellular networks. Before wondering why live Voicemail is not working on your iPhone, check it out to see if it is available in your region and carrier.
Solution#2. Update your iPhone
Once you are sure about the location, check if your iPhone is updated to latest iteration of iOS 17 & later version. That’s because an outdated version can cause various issues, including live Voicemail not working on iPhone running latest iOS. For this, read our article on how to update your iPhone.

Solution#3. Make sure that sender is using a supported language
Another thing that you must take note of is whether or not you are using supported live voicemail language. Yes, that’s right, the Live Voicemail is only available in English. And also, make sure sender is using the English language. To verify, follow the steps below.
- Go to Settings on your iPhone.
- Select General.
- Tap Language & Region.
- Make sure that English is configured as a primary language.
Solution#4. Ensure that the sender’s iPhone is updated to iOS 17
Alongside your iPhone, the sender’s iPhone also needs to be updated to the latest iOS.
Solution#5. Enable/Disable Airplane Mode
When it comes resolve random issues, especially related to the network, turning on and off Airplane Mode is a pretty effective solution. Access the Control Center on your iPhone and tap on Airplane mode to enable. Wait for a while, and then tap on it to disable.
Solution#6. Force Quit Phone App
Unlike the Airplane Mode, Force quitting an app is an effective solution for resolving app-related bugs. Considering this, here are the steps to force quit phone app.
On iPhone with the Face ID: Swipe down from the left top of the screen and hold in the middle. Swipe left or right to search Phone App card, and then swipe it up.
On iPhone with the Touch ID: Double-press the Home Button, Swipe left or right to search Phone App card, and then swipe it up.
After this, reopen the phone app and check if Live Transcription works normally. If not so, move forward to next solution.
Solution#7. Disable/Enable Cellular
Another basic solution that can fix Live Voicemail on iPhone is disabling and then re-enabling the mobile cellular. Thus, you must try it. Here’s how.
- Go to Settings App.
- Select Cellular.
- Turn off the toggle next to the Cellular and wait for a while.
- Then, re-enable it.
Solution#8. Check if Phone App on your iPhone can use Cellular Data
To prevent various apps from eating precious cellular data, iOS lets you set cellular data preferences individually. So there are chances you have accidentally or intentionally restricted cellular data for phone apps on your iPhone, which eventually leads to Voicemail not working on iPhone running iOS 17. To check it out, follow the steps.
- Go to Settings App on your iPhone.
- Select Cellular.
- Here, you’ll see a list of apps, make sure the toggle next to the Phone App is enabled.
Solution#9. Turn On Data Roaming
It’s a common solution performed whenever iPhone is disconnected from carrier’s network and switches to another network. The roaming feature ensures you can send texts and make calls whenever you are out of network territory. Hence, make sure Data Roaming is enabled on your iPhone.
- On your device, head to the Settings.
- Select Cellular.
- Swipe down and ensure that the toggle next to the Phone is enabled.
Solution#10. Enable Automatic Network Selection
For uninterrupted usage, your iPhone will automatically switch to the best available network connection when automatic network selection is enabled. Here’s how.
- Head to the Settings App on your iPhone.
- Select Cellular.
- Search and select Network Selection.
- Make sure toggle next to Automatic is turned on on the next screen.
Solution#11. Restart your iPhone
If a minor bug is causing an issue with live Voicemail, there is a chance rebooting iPhone could fix it.
Restart iPhone with Face ID: Press either Volume Button and Power Button to access the power-off screen. Drag the Power-Off Slider and wait for 30 seconds. Press the Power Button to enable your iPhone.
Restart iPhone with Home Button: Press the Power Button to access the power-off screen. Drag the Power-Off Slider and wait for 30 seconds. Press the Power Button to enable your iPhone.
Solution#12. Disable/Enable Live Voicemail
In some cases, turning off and then on can resolve the problem. Here are the steps to do so.
- Navigate to the Settings App on your iPhone.
- Search and select Phone.
- Go to Live Voicemail and turn off the toggle next to Live Voicemail.
- After this, restart your iPhone.
- Once the restarting procedure is finished, head back to the Settings App and re-enable Live Voicemail.
Solution#13. Update Carrier Settings
Unlike outdated iOS, outdated carrier settings on your iPhone can also interrupt party. Therefore, be sure to update carrier settings to fix live Voicemail not working.
- Head to the Settings App.
- Select General.
- Tap About.
- Now, look for the carrier setting update. If available, install it now.
Solution#14. Turn off Low Data Mode
When Low Data Mode is turned on, it automatically neglects the automatic updates and several background tasks to reduce cellular data usage and save it. If you’ve turned this feature on, you won’t be able to use Live Voicemail on iPhone.
- Navigate to Settings App on your iPhone.
- Select Cellular.
- Tap Cellular Data Options.
- Hit Data Mode.
- Tap Allow More Data on 5G or Standard.
Solution#15. Turn off Low Power Mode
The Low Power Mode is a built-in battery-saving mode that helps to prevent the battery from draining faster by restricting certain features and functionalities. If it’s enabled, immediately disable it and check for issues.
- Go to Settings App on your iPhone.
- Search and select Battery.
- From the next screen, disable the toggle next to Low Power Mode.
Solution#16. Hard Reset your iPhone
- Press and instantly release the Volume High Button.
- Press and instantly release the Volume Low Button.
- Long press the Side Button.
- When the Apple logo appears, let out the Side Button.
Solution#17. Re-insert SIM
Removing and re-inserting has often worked wonders to resolve network-related problems. Thus, I would suggest to go with this solution.
- Firstly, turn off your iPhone.
- Then, use SIM ejector to remove the SIM Tray and remove the SIM Card.
- Wait for a while and then return the SIM card to the SIM Tray.
- At last, turn on the iPhone.
Solution#18. Reset Network Settings
If cellular network still faces a technical issue on your iPhone, it might prevent “Live Voicemail” from working normally. And the best solution for this is resetting the network settings to default. I will show you how.
- Go to the Settings app on your iPhone.
- Select General.
- Swipe down and select Transfer or Reset iPhone.
- Tap Transfer or Reset iPhone.
- Select Reset.
- Hit Reset Network Settings.
- Enter the Passcode and confirm action.
Solution#19. Factory Reset your iPhone
- Go to Settings App on your iPhone.
- Choose General.
- Scroll the screen to tap on Transfer or Reset iPhone.
- Tap Reset > Reset All Settings.
Solution#20. Contact Your Carrier
If still, live Voicemail isn’t working on your iPhone, I suggest contacting the Carrier Support Team, as there is no solution left around in your bucket.
Final Thought!
That’s It! These are some of the effective solutions to fix live voicemail not working on iPhone running latest iOS 17 & later. However, if you’ve any queries related to it, then feel free to drop in the below comment box.