How to Make Group Chat on Instagram App in iPhone: Rename Group Chat

It’s been a while since Instagram introduced Instagram Direct. Later than much more smart features and improvements were released to enhance the experience and now this photo-sharing app has roughly 1 Billion monthly active users all over the world. After the success of photo sharing, they are now focusing on direct messaging service so that you can stay connected with your friends on Instagram too. Are you aware of you can also make group chat on Instagram? If no then read on, how to make group chats on Instagram on iPhone.

Group messages on Instagram make our work efficient and it is convenient to make a group conversation and send a message directly instead of sharing individually. It is a better way to direct message your friends without switching apps again and again. Learn how to create group conversation on Instagram on iPhone.

Create Group on Instagram on iPhone and iPad, Rename Group name

Step #1: Launch the “Instagram” app on your iPhone.

Step #2: Tap on “Instagram Direct” (ARROW symbol) on the top right corner of the screen.

Step #3: Now, tap on the (+) icon to add members.

Make a New Group chat on Instagram iPhone
Make a New Group chat on Instagram iPhone

Step #4: Type the name of the person that you want to add and then select it by tapping on the Circle next to the name.

Send Message and Rename Group on Snapchat iPhone
Send Message and Rename Group on Snapchat iPhone

Step #5: One by one select your friends.

Step #6: Lastly, type a message in the Message… field.

That’s it! Now you can simply tap on the Group Conversation and message them.

If you want to share pictures from your iPhone in the group then open the Group Conversation and tap on “Gallery” icon next to Message field and from there you can choose Photos and Videos to share within the group message.

Alternatively, you can also click pictures, videos, boomerangs, and much more right by tapping on “Camera” icon.

Give a Group name on insta iPhone
Give a Group name on insta iPhone

More Over we can give a new name of Group chat that is easily Find from long Chat list.

Check This video tutorial, How to Create a Group on Instagram iPhone and Rename or name a group.

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Karly Wood

Karly Wood is a journalist based in Ohio who specializes in covering Apple and technology trends. With a varied experience in reporting on public safety, government, and education, her insights bridge multiple disciplines, providing readers with a well-rounded perspective on today's technological advancements. If you need to contact me, you can reach me at [email protected] or through (Facebook)

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