Color Display Profile Cannot Be Changed on Mac: Here’s fix

Recently some mac users reported that MacBook Pro or MacBook Air Doesn’t Respond to changing the color profile for Display in the system settings color profile if they are changing. Apply Different color profiles or Fix the Color Display Profile won’t show.

Follow this tutorial to change the Default Color profile on your MacBook Pro/Air, Mac Mini with External Monitor, or Set to default. Display Profile Color is a unique way to emboss the System Font and make the vision more clear.

How to change Display Profile Color settings on macOS Ventura

1. Go to Apple Logo on the top menu bar – Choose System Settings.

Click apple logo then system settings... on mac

2. Click on Display from the list – Click on Color Profile. Now choose the color profile that you want to keep.

Click displays select Color profile on mac

3. more, you can customize the color display profile by choosing to customize the tab on the given list.

Select Customize... on mac

4. Click on (+) Plus Icon to add a new color profile on your Mac.

Click on (+) plus icon on mac

5. Now, Here’s the option for

  • Adjust the display’s brightness and contrast
  • Determine the display’s native luminance response curve
  • Choose a desired response curve gamma
  • Choose a desired white point (warmth or coolness of white)
Choose Continue on mac

6. Select Continue.

Select continue on mac

7. Target the white point and continue to create a new Profile.

Click on target white point and continue to create a new Profile on mac

How To Change Display Profile Color Settings on macOS Monterey & Earlier

Go to the apple logo from the top Mac menu > System Preferences > Display > Uncheck “Show Profile for this display only” and see the more option for Color Display Profile.

Apply your favorite one, and that’s it. See the below screen,color-display-profile-change-on-mac

if you won’t able to change Display Profile Color, then follow the below troubleshooting steps.

Color Display Profile Cannot Be Changed

Restart your Mac in safe mode,

  • To Turn on your Intel Mac in Safe mode, Shutdown your Mac, then Wait for 10 seconds and turn it on again, Then immediately press and hold the shift key continuously. Until you see the login screen with the SAFE More label at the top.
  • Turn on your M1 Mac in Safe mode: Shutdown your Mac, then Wait for 10 seconds and turn it on again, press and hold the power button only of your Mac until the startup disks and Options appear. Next, Press and hold the Shift key, then click “Continue in Safe Mode“.

Then log in and Move to the Desktop screen.

  1. Now, Open Finder on Mac.
  2. From the top mac menu, Click on Go > Go to Folder…
Open finder click go then go to folder... on mac

3. ~/Library/Preferences

Copy the command to past finder on mac

4. Hit to to-go button, and see the list of plist files. Find and delete below the file name.

com. apple.system preferences.plist

5. Right-click on file > Move to the bin. Once you delete the file and Restart your Mac normally. On Restart your Mac, Safe Mode will be removed automatically.

Select the file right-click to Move to Trash click on mac

now, follow the above steps to change the Change Color Profile from Mac display Preferences settings.

Hope you get fixed the problem. Comment to get more help from us. Still not fixed and if you feel that the problem is related to hardware, then contact Apple support online and Book a Genius bar appointment and Get free repair and replacement on your eligibility.

Q&A: Color Display Profile in MacOS

  1. What is the default display profile for MacBook Pro and MacBook Air? : The Default Display Profile on the Retina MacBook screen has, Color P3. And the Alternate option is Color LCD and Apple RGB are the best, at least for me. But According to Color Experts, Adobe RGB is more saturated while Color LCD is more washed out.
    • That much more compatible with Other Third-Party External Monitor like, LG, Samsung, BenQ, and More…
  2. Best Mac Display Profile for Eyes and Best mac Display Profile for Photo Editing: We can select Based on our Work type Experience. Like Photo Editing, Video Editing, and as a Developer. Uncheck the Show Profile for this display only, From the apple logo > System Preferences > Display > Colour Tab > Uncheck “Show Profile for this display only” > Select alternate colors. keep the Display color that never affects on Eye strain and Headache.
    • Color LCD and Apple RGB are the best
    • as I discussed earlier, Adobe RGB is more saturated while Color LCD is more washed out.

Source: stackexchange

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Karly Wood

Karly Wood is a journalist based in Ohio who specializes in covering Apple and technology trends. With a varied experience in reporting on public safety, government, and education, her insights bridge multiple disciplines, providing readers with a well-rounded perspective on today's technological advancements. If you need to contact me, you can reach me at [email protected] or through (Facebook)

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